“Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.” Maya A.

Once we start to go into communities and talk about the law of attraction, integration, and manifestation, we quickly come to understand that we are not just our bodies – we are actually more than that, and we are spiritual beings having this human experience. However, very often the body becomes less important, the body becomes rejected, and the body takes a backseat, and the only thing that becomes important is what you think and how you feel.

However, I want to talk to you about how the body and trauma that we hold in our body is playing a crucial part, and how using it, you can benefit absolutely greatly with your development, with your integration, and with everything that you want to manifest. So we could manifest anything at any point at any speed if we didn’t have any limiting beliefs or we didn’t have wounding and traumas that are clouding our belief system and our vibration.

Let That Trauma Go

Now, lots of things we can work on with our mental awareness and emotional awareness by going through the process of feeling truth, questioning it, and releasing it, and giving ourselves a different experience than what has traumatized or hurt us, and so achieving this healing effect. However, our body is something that is dense, and especially when there is trauma that has taken place when we were very young, we didn’t really have complex thoughts, we didn’t really have complex feelings, or we may have experienced the feelings, but we did not really put any context or rational explanation that would have originated a thought or belief that would be limiting. Therefore, lots of trauma, heavy trauma, early trauma is being held in our bodies. That is also true for our ancestral trauma.

So how to understand what kind of trauma do you have in your body or what trauma is being held to your body’s memory, your physical body’s memory? You look at the places of tension, you look at the places where you have injuries, you look at the places that you have some ailments or reoccurring illness coming on and on and on again, and once you find that place, you can even do the scanning process if you are experiencing it right now. Once you identify, you get yourself in a neutral place and then you scan your body and you feel somewhere, where in the body I feel heaviness, where in the body I feel contraction. Chances are that in those places you are actually holding some emotional charge, emotional connection which became so ingrained that it has taken the form of a physical ailment.

And once you identify it, then you can draw your attention to it, draw your focus on it and drill down.


So for example, let’s say I have problems with my throat. This from a metaphysical-psychosomatic point of view might mean that I have problems with expressing myself, with asking what I need, with using my personal power.

In this case what you would need to do to uncover the information and the root cause of this, you would just feel into your throat. As you start feeling into your throat you will have emotional experience coming up. It could be a feeling, sensation, a memory. Keep focusing on how that feels in your body. Once you feel you have stable connection with that feeling, then you need to kind of drill down with a complete focus. As you do that, keep you  intention to find why do you have that thing, that feeling, even though it might be vague and unclear to start with. 

Keep your intention to find your point of stuckness.

It could be that you’ll have some memories coming up with events and situations, it could be that you’ll have some feelings, it could be that you have some even maybe fantastical scenes because sometimes information comes in a coded and symbolic form.

So once you have this experience of finding out where it is and why it is there, you can ask:

what was the reason,

why it was placed there,

why do you have it,

why do you hold it,

who passed it on to you?

Then you can stand in this understanding and you can make conscious choice: “I want to release it” – and that’s all that’s needed.


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