I’m just going to dive in. So, specifically for projectors, it’s very hard for us to actually relax when we have some project or idea that we want to fulfil. I feel it’s hard to relax especially when there is some NEW idea is coming in. The temptation is to go, go, go and even my partner (Manifesting Generator) is surprised where the energy is coming from.
Well, as a matter of fact, this energy is coming to us from certain activations and from inspiration. The only problem then, is these downloads don’t really have a a pause button, so it feels that if we don’t take it – it will be lost.
And then we just go with that crazy flow and done day we find ourselves…exhausted. And if we don’t stop there and change our life habits, the next stop is burnout. So yes – just saying.
We Are Aliens From Different Energy Systems
I just had the two days where ideas and creative input were coming and I was grabbing on the wave of inspiration – writing everything down and doing it all. I had two days like that in a row just now and today… Well, I feel like I need to keep doing it, but the petrol tank feels empty. The pressure that I feel is an external push. My ego centre is actually open, so obviously I feel I don’t really need to do anything to prove anything to anyone.
I feel that from other people and the environment.
Fishes are not birds. They need oxygen and they use it, but they are not birds. They live in the water.
Sun In England Helps Not Only Plants
What saves me today is because it’s so sunny and it’s such a nice weather I decided to give myself a little bit of break before crashing happens. And hopefully, it DOESN’T happen. I feel like for us, Human Design projectors it happens now and then anyway and you know exactly what I’m talking about.
We have chosen to incarnate here to help the world learn to manage their energy effectively. But in order to see it, we cannot be it.
There is no clear sense when my energy is gone. Or the energy that was available is gone. Like Ra Uru Ha says we are non-energy beings.
Which is a bit like fishes are not birds. They need oxygen and they use it, but they are not birds. They live in the water.
I feel that we are like that. We live here, however, we are from different energy systems. We have chosen to incarnate here to help the world learn to manage their energy effectively. But in order to see it, we cannot be it. We need to be next to it, near it, but not blinded by it.
Since we do not have consistent flow of energy we need to manage it within our bodies in order to stay healthy and effective.
And for that – we need rest.
Therefore today, I’m scheduling the time to to rest. Just like there was such a great intensity in doing things in the last two days I feel like that’s the maximum for me to go without a pause. Today it feels like the drive is still there but I can feel that my energy level is depleting.

How To Know If Your Energy Is Running Low
What are the signs?
I start to feel tension in my body. The type of tension that is very close to endurance. So doing starts to feel more automatic than “flowing”.
And if you know our secret as projectors, we have phenomenal effectiveness – we can do things that takes people days in hours.
But we cannot do that continuously.
We do need good long breaks in between.
The truth is, we are not really super attuned to our energy levels. Once we are in the field of someone else’s energy, or collective energy, or inspirational energy (a.k.a. given to us directly from a higher field) we are in it, we feel it, we have it and we use it to the maximum.
And that’s why we can get recognized for being these “super energetic folks” if we are observed at these moment. (Yes – if we are seen only in these moments we will be definitely recognized as not ourselves)
So much so that it is almost surprising when we start to feel flat.
The truth is, we are not really super attuned to our energy levels. Once we are in the field of someone else’s energy, or collective energy, or inspirational energy (a.k.a. given to us directly from a higher field) we are in it, we feel it, we have it and we use it to the maximum.
And it can be depressing.
You might start to think: “it always like that – I start with so much of energy and enthusiasm and then I fall flat before completing my project”. You might even start blaming your character for that and lack of persistence.
There is another way and it will free you from self-guilt and feelings of inadequacy and disappointment.
A Hack For Projectors For Completing Things
My little secret is knowing that it will come back. It will be given. It will be provided if… we do our part and respect our body’s need for rest.
So energy for us comes as big waves or wind comes for a seaman. (Probably in the olden days but I like the comparison) If us with our project are a boat with its content then the energy we to get to the destination is NOT our engine or pedals, but wind and the waves. A big boat might come along and pull us for a while, but when we go ahead with our own things, then we got wind, the waves and our sail.
The more you do it, the more you will see how it works and how the energy while inconsistent, still always comes back.
So when the wind and the waves have stopped, all we can do is rest and wait for the next round. We cannot know when or how it will come, but we know that it will because this is how the sea works. It cannot not come. And we cannot force it.
So that’s that – rest and wait for the next round.
The more you do it, the more you will see how it works and how the energy while inconsistent, still always comes back.
It is possible to ride the waves and use these opportunities and feel great throughout the process.
To feel great about yourself, about your progress, about your health.
If you become exhausted, you will also become numb. Being numb is the same as being de-sensitized – your system just shuts off from external signals in order to preserve itself. It is automatic. It is survival.
So if you get to this point that means you will need to prioritize your recharge no matter what.
And even if energies will be supportive, you will not be able to pick it up or use it until you are back in a healthy state.
What is the healthy state of a projector?
It is not a buzzing, oozing overflowing state as it would be with the energy types. A healthy state for us is feeling relatively calm and content. Meaning: we are not dreaming about sleeping or napping. Because we are rested enough.
Also, we don’t need to expect ourselves to do things fast. We cannot help our deep thought process so even when we do our tasks slowly, it doesn’t necessarily mean we are not energetic enough.
Living with my MG (manifesting generator) partner for 5 years now I can see how we even wash dishes differently. I do it one by one, at my own pace. He would do the dishes and clean the stove, the drawers and the toaster at the same time…
And yet, I feel like my energy is very much in balance. As long as I don’t compare myself to him or other energy types people who I know.
Quick Tips & TLDR
put your rest in the schedule. if you are schedule loving person, this will help you to have that time to recharge your energy and prevent burnout
create routine downtime. this could work for you if you are not a scheduled person and it could look like a slow morning routine or a dedicated lunch without distractions
get a nap. becoming a napper is nothing to be ashamed of. it’s great for you brain, nervous system and your energy as a projector.
go to bed 2 hours earlier. No, you don’t have to sleep – just make yourself comfortable, get a cup of cocoa and a book, or a movie, or a journal
The Wrap
We can be so impatient. And we might want things to happen so fast.
But our mind and perception is of another dimension than our physical bodies.
Therefore, when we learn to pace ourselves, keep holding onto our vision and manage our own energy wisely, we can get our things done.