“Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.” Maya A.


  1. Balancing Busyness and Free Time: If you ever feel torn between being super busy and having some free time, my tip is to find a balance that feels right for you.

  1. Efficiency in Busyness: When life gets busier, think of it as a chance to get better at managing your time.

  1. Integrating Passion with Motherhood: If you’re a new parent, don’t be afraid to mix your passions with your mom duties. It might just be the perfect combo.

  1. Maximizing Spare Moments: Keep your important stuff handy, so you can make the most of any free time you get.

  1. Stretching Time: Doing things you love can make time seem longer. Enjoy it!

  1. Prioritizing Relaxation and Self-Time: Yes, being productive is great, but don’t forget to take breaks and do things just for you. It’s all part of living a balanced life.

  1. Setting Priorities and Values: To find your own balance, figure out what’s most important to you and make sure your choices match your values. It’s a recipe for a satisfying life.

  1. Seeking Tips for Balancing Roles: As you juggle different roles, remember to learn from others. Share and gather tips and tricks from your friends and community as you navigate your unique journey.

I’ve got something on my mind that’s been swirling around – the whole busyness versus free time dilemma. I’m currently outdoors, just back from a little treasure hunt using the “Too Good to Go” app in the UK. If you’re all about snagging fantastic deals on tasty food, you’ll totally get me!

So, after my mam’s duties like breastfeeding, nappy changing, nipple care etc. I walked down the beach to meet up with my partner so we all three could walk back home together and guess what? I found myself with a bit of extra time on my hands. And, by the way, here’s my little companion (see the picture below). I was even able to squeeze in some extra quality outdoor breastfeeding time. But then, I thought, “Why not see if I can film a video?” You see, it’s not always easy to keep up with daily content creation with all the other stuff going on in life.

The Cosmos

Now, let’s dive into the cosmic side of things for a moment. From an astrological perspective, Saturn has recently moved into my sixth house. For all you astrology enthusiasts out there, I might be mixing things up a bit, but there’s something about Saturn’s energy that’s got me thinking. It tends to bring limitations but also pushes you to get your act together, be more grown-up, and organize your life – all about structure, hierarchies, and such.

P.S. If you want to be updated with my creations (it comes in all forms: posts, blogs, videos, audios, workshops, sessions, programs, special offers) subscribe by filling in the form below. I’m happy to have you! 

Newbie Mama

This is my first time as a mom, and honestly, I didn’t know what to expect, apart from all the “mom life is super busy” tales I’ve heard. It’s like you won’t have a moment to yourself, right? But then, I remembered this one friend who has three kids and somehow has managed to balance it all and keep our friendship alive throughout the years. So, I knew there’s a way to be a great mom and have a social life.

It might sound a bit weird, but I’ve noticed this before. When you decide to get busy with something, you find yourself getting busier in other areas, and it’s like time magically expands.

This AND That

I’m what you might call a “multi-passionate entrepreneur.” Marie Forleo calls us like that and I’m a proud graduate of her B-School. Anyway, my expertise lies in emotional well-being, metaphysical stuff, and energy work. And, even though motherhood is a top priority right now, I’m not intending to let go of my passions and life purpose. So, I’ve started to weave my work into this motherhood journey, although there’s no big rush. But there’s this inner voice that’s telling me to chase my dreams, to integrate, to make it and and. By “and and” I mean doing both. Not in a way that I would burn out or would have to be on daily 2 litres of caffeine to be able to cope… But doing both in a way that being mum supports me being a female coach and healing integration practitioner AND me being a female coach and healing integration practitioner supports me being the mum. I want to have BOTH energies harmoniously intertwined with each other and feel at peace and ease with my life.

Radiant woman starts here

Time Paradox

What’s fascinating is that the busier I get, the more efficient I become. I’ve got all my recording gear, books, notebooks, and tools handy so that I can make the most of every spare moment. Sometimes, I even use breastfeeding time to research, write emails, or brainstorm ideas. That is if my little one is happy nibbling on my breast while I do that. Sometimes she wants my full attention when I breastfeed and that’s all right with me. After all – that is official meal time for the baby.

From the metaphysical perspective, time is a construct and also relative. Have you noticed how time just runs out when you’re scrolling through social media? 

Time Bending

It might sound a bit weird, but I’ve noticed this before. When you decide to get busy with something, you find yourself getting busier in other areas, and it’s like time magically expands. Better yet I came to believe that we do stretch time. From the metaphysical perspective, time is a construct and also relative. Have you noticed how time just runs out when you’re scrolling through social media? I have. That’s why on my new phone I didn’t install any social media. I still have it on my old phone which I use less frequently, and yes – I go on social media via my laptop, however not having it in front of my face every time I pick up my phone helps me not to miss it. And time expands. And I do more things. And I get busy with my other projects. It’s almost like a time paradox. The more you fill it in the more time you have.

Relaxing Is A Part Of Your Schedule

CAUTION here!  I will not advocate for only being productive. I also recommend including relaxing and self-time in the schedule and doing it too. So then the flow of productivity is refreshed with creative breaks that recharge our life energy and we can continue not like the exhausted, overworked woman, but like the creative goddesses that we are. And sure we will be stepping out of that vibration now and then and SO WHAT? Once we get a hang of this it is OK to sometimes lose it…as long as we’re confident that we can get back to harmonious, yet invigorating living.

It's all about setting your priorities straight and sticking to your values. For me, being a mother and doing my sacred work is equally important.

I think it’s all about setting your priorities straight and sticking to your values. For me, being a mother and doing my sacred work is equally important. So, I’m on a mission to find that balance, to find that harmony, even if I can’t be equally successful in both areas. Or maybe I can? It’s about my own satisfaction and fulfilment. And once you’ve got that – the deliciousness of life is ON.

Now, if you’ve got any nifty tricks, life hacks, or tips on how to balance different roles, please drop ’em in the comments. I’m all ears, and I’m experimenting as I go. Oh, and look who’s starting to wake up – my little one! I guess it’s time for me to sign off for now. Catch you on the flip side!

Loads of love signature RK

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