“Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.” Maya A.

Get all your inner children back. Get all your energy back. Change your destiny.

The Completion Process (by Teal Swan)

your consciousness never forgets

Emotional triggers are your alarm bells

The Completion Process is a comprehensive approach to healing core traumas that recur as emotional triggers that prevent us from living empowered lives free of fear.

This process, created by Teal Swan, is particularly useful when dealing with triggers, especially the emotional ones which brings us to feeling states that we would rather avoid.

The Completion Process is built on a premise that every single time we get triggered and experience intense emotions, it is a call from ourselves to ourselves to pay attention and to retrieve part of ourselves which has been stuck in a time when a traumatic event has happened and because of not completing trauma cycle it cannot move forward.

NOTE: this is a simplified version of the explanation of the process to give you an overview from the vibrational point of view.

The main issue with unresolved trauma is that the frequency of that feeling state is still active as it would be happening today. Just because we have suppressed it or disassociate from it it doesn’t mean it stops existing.

What this process does, is it clears that vibrational frequency of trauma and changes the vibration that you’re carrying within you. Then, you start attracting different/improved circumstances in your life.

The present event that triggers us is linked to the original event that happened in our childhood (it could be as simple as falling down out of bed) in which to part or our consciousness/psyche is stuck. Once we go back there and we complete the cycle and create an alternative reality in our memory the original wound becomes healed and we no longer react to get triggered by the situation or our response to trigger becomes less intense.

The session involves going back to the actual feeling state that was caused by a trigger, finding the original event(s), alternating past experience, and reconnecting to the part of ourselves in a safe environment.

the session

What to expect

To start with we’ll talk what is the main issue that you want to work on today and what emotions that brings up to you.

Then we’ll get into one of those emotions (sometimes there are several emotions or even emotional layers to work through) and feel through intensity. This is done in emotionally and energetically safe space that I create for you for each and every session.

After that we’ll bring in the original memory that is connected to these feelings via feelings (i.e. root cause trauma) and we’ll work with your inner child version that has experienced that trauma.

After the emotional charge is cleared we’ll make changes in the circumstances to create a healing experience to that part of you who has gone to that trauma.

Finally I’ll guide you back into current time/space reality and connect you back to you present time self.

The session may take less or more than an hour (usually 90 mins to 2 hours booking is a good time slot to complete the session), however, there may be times where longer time is needed (up to several hours) when dealing with more complex or resistant cases. My standard booking is 90 minutes, and most people are able to complete the cycle within that, but everyone is different, everyone’s trauma is different and the time that is needed to process the emotions is highly individual.

The Process 18 Steps

The Completion Process is an 18 step visualization that walks you through an emotional trigger following the emotion to the earliest memory, then resolving the child’s needs through both the mental visualization of resolution and providing awareness through the adult perspective of the events that occurred.

1. Create a Safe Haven
2. Emotional Vipassana
3. Validate the Present Feeling
4. Invite the Memory to Surface
5. Re-experience the Memory
6. Validate the Feeling within the Memory
7. Step into Adult Perspective within the Memory
8. Validate the Child’s Emotions.
9. Await Relief
10. Call Back Other Fractured Aspects of Self
11. Meet the Child’s Needs within the Memory
12. Choice to Stay or Go
13. Check for Completion
14. Enter Safe Haven and Deactivate the Memory
15. Create Purification and Healing
16. Meet the Child’s Needs within the Safe Haven.
17. Option to Stay or Merge.
18. Return to Conscious Perspective

the results

This is what you can expect after the session

  • More clarity
  • Renewed perspective
  • Feeling less emotional about the original issue
  • Seeing your situation from another point of view
  • More lightness
  • Less cloudiness of mind
  • Feeling more alive
  • More energy
  • Felling more fullness (emotionally)
  • New wants and needs might appear
  • You might recall forgotten memories or events from your early life
  • Other issues that were laying dormant might come up (another layer to be cleared)
  • You might decide that you have to change something about your life as it no longer works for you
  • New desire for a different career or a place of living
  • You might attract new people in your life or end your ties with someone

Please note that all of the examples mentioned above are experiences of individual people. You might have some of these effects or something that is not even mentioned above. The point of the process is to integrate part of your consciousness so that it no longer experiences stressful situation without resolve. Once we have created a resolve to that part of you that was in pain, your energy shifts and your vibrational point of attraction shifts. For some it might mean immediate improvement while for others it means a beginning of the journey where more work needs to be done before the individual starts feeling better. This is because often there are layers of suppressed pain and trauma that needs to be worked through as they are interconnected and once you start “repairing” one corner it becomes obvious that another “corner “ needs work too.

However one thing is true with this work: the better it gets, the better it gets (this might be a quotation from Teal Swan from my training on The Completion Process in Costa Rica). That means that once you rescued a part of yourself and changed vibrational reality for that part of you, your overall  v vibrational frequency has improved.

Another good news is that once you get a hang of the process you can do it yourself, at home. You don’t need to be depended on practitioner or sessions.

My general suggestion when working with this modality is once you get comfortable with this work, do everything you can by yourself, or you even can find a friend to work with. And only come in for sessions for the issues that you feel you need more guidance, support or a stable safe space and vibrationally and emotionally. This is meant to empower and liberate you, and you will get that, once you start working with this.

Want to know how to do it yourself and keen to get it started?

You can buy a book yourself, reading and try out a session on yourself.

It has a detailed description of each step and a shortened version of 18 steps for you to follow through.

Here’s a link. >>>>> Click HERE.

"I was not alone in my pain. And other person saw it and have not denied, rejected, betrayed, walked away from it."
Kristina Savickyte
How I have benefited from the session

Case studies

Mysty, Stay At Home Mom Of Three, On Parenting And Self Healing

“Some days, I’d find myself becoming so reactive to the littlest things and then I’d spiral into guilt and feel like the worst mom in the world,” she admits. “It became obvious to me that if I care for other people every day, Ineeded my own support and more specifically, I needed some help dealing with my own emotions.”

“I attended a seminar about the process, thinking originally that I’d use it just for me,” Mysty recalls. “But when I started using it, I was absolutely floored. I had thought that I was a really ‘together’ person. But once I started doing the process, I realized that I was simply coping with my marriage and with my kids by numbing myself out. In fact, I had started to cope with all my difficult emotions
was and thoughts by using prescription medication.”
“I had never actually faced the trauma in my past. Being the wife of a successful husband and the leader of a women’s group in my local church, I was expected to be a role model and set an example in my community. I couldn’t just let myself fall apart. But the Completion Process made me realize how unfulfilled I felt and how insecure I felt as a wife and mother.”
“I let myself fall apart and it was ultimately the best thing that ever happened to me and my marriage and my family,” Mysty says.

Through the process of facing her inner self, Mysty was able to put her full self back together. She began by modeling her life after her actual desires rather than trying to be everything for everyone else in her life. She was amazed by the effects she began to experience not only inside herself but inside her home. “I started to notice that the emotional health of my children was improving,” she explains. “They acted out less and got along with each other more and they seemed healthier. It was obvious that they were mirroring my emotional state which had greatly improved.”

Angela’s Story On Overcoming Ritual Abuse And Incest

“My entire life has been a state of empty dissociation. I had no feelings.
I was in a permanent state of numbness with only slight variations of discomfort or pain. I tried years of different therapies and I have read countless self-help books. I was in a state of desperation, dying to get past the internal blocks that kept me disconnected from everything in my life including my children.”

“Going through the Completion Process has blown my reality to pieces but I would never turn back even if that was an option,” Angela explains. “I would take all of the earth-shattering emotional pain I am going through as I work through this, over the hollow numbness that existed before. Anything is better than being that sleepwalker that I was.”

“This has forced me into a position where I have to completely change my life and the relationships I had formed, which has not been easy or without heartache,” she explains. “I find that I just can’t settle for less in my life anymore. The best gift to myself throughout all this is that I now have the ability to be unconditionally present, with myself and with others.”

“I have now felt joy, love, and happiness in a way I never thought was possible for me. Even though that comes with its own set of fears, I can’t help but feel eternally grateful for this gift I have been given in my life.”

Me and Teal Swan during the CP training in Sydney, Australia

With a session booking below you also get a complimentary pre-session call where we discuss your session aims and expectations.

"I feel that I have more energy, clarity, and the outside world is corresponding the same. It helped me to access memories that I couldn't have otherwise. Perfect experience for me!"
Rani Mai
How I have benefited from the session
"I felt there was some major healing involved. Some memories that needed to be integrated for a long time. I noticed a tremendous dip in my feelings of anxiety after that one session! It was something I’d needed for a long time. "
Hannah Forward
How I have benefited from the session
"My CP was very efficient in helping healing some wounds on the pass that were projecting emotions in my current circumstances. I have truly benefit from the emotional healing of the process, helping me liberate my present, with its complications and difficulties, from pass baggage. My current circumstances have not change, at all, but the way I feel about it has improved so much since my CP sessions with Ruta. Thank you Ruta!"
C Codobra
How I have benefited from the session

One of the leading techniques that is used in trauma integration involves a process where you consciously revisit traumatizing memories, rescue your childhood self out of each of those memories, and then bring those childhood versions of you to a safe space where you then reparent them.

– Teal Swan

What my clients loved the best about the completion process

There is another human who knows what kind of shit is inner work (despite the fact I love it) and how it is hard sometimes to be in that.

Kristina Savickyte

Cp allowed me to give space and honor all the emotions, feeling, the experience with no judgement. To complete and release what is trapped in the cells of my being

Rani Mai

That I was provided with a safe space to explore and express my emotions with no judgement. Guiding me through a process I’ve had difficulty with previously. in the cells of my being

Hannah Forward

How fast I could feel and see results. 

C Codobra

The awareness it brought to past traumas that I had been supressing.

Alex Smith

Simplicity, ability to express feelings without judgement and heartwarming accent of practitioner (same region of home country)

Laura Simanskaite