Emotional Healing

£239.00 90 minutes

This session focuses on building a practical system to nurture and grow qualities to support the authentic self that will shift you into the person you want and you came here to be.

The examples of symptoms showing that you might benefit from improved self-care are lack of self-acceptance, feeling disempowered, low confidence, trusting others more than yourself, not loving yourself in a way you want to be loved by others.



This session focuses on building a practical system to nurture and grow qualities to support the authentic self that will shift you into the person you want and you came here to be.
The examples of symptoms showing that you might benefit from improved self-care are lack of self-acceptance, feeling disempowered, low confidence, trusting others more than yourself,
not loving yourself in a way you want to be loved by others.

The session can help you with these problems:

• Lack of self-acceptance
• Feeling disempowered
• Low confidence
• Not trusting yourself
• Not loving yourself

All the steps towards emotional well-being include emotional re-education.

NOTE: the effectiveness of the session will depend on the individual and will be unique depending on the individual readiness to let go of certain energetic patterns, ability to focus intention clearly, energetic attunement to subtle energies and other underlying unresolved issues.