Why this is important to me
So many women I have worked with has experienced sexual trauma sometime in their childhood at the age that they should have been kids and played with their friends and siblings, rather undergone the pain and violation that they did. These beautiful, wonderful women who are now adults have been carrying their pain years and decades. The ripple effect that trauma of this nature that is not healed creates is very painful. These women have part of themselves stuck somewhere in the past and because of that they experience so much extra pain due to self-worth, failed relationships, internal feelings of shame and badness. When all of this could be healed so much earlier. When all of this can be integrated. And then perhaps lot of other pain in their further life could have been avoided.
It is possible to heal it. At any age. At any stage in life. Especially for children and young adults who have experienced sexual trauma, trauma itself is a lot to deal with. They don’t need extra trauma piling up on that what has happened. They don’t need to be supressing and carrying it with them for years. They can still have years of childhood, youth, young adulthood to be returned to them.
The children are literally our future, and if we can help them to get their sense of wholeness back to them sooner the future they will experience and bring to us will be much healthier. So if we can be part of it, if we can help them – let’s do it. Let’s fuel our healing power there where it can help humanity most. We already know what is like to live in a scary and unjust world. We already know what living in the trauma feels like. So if we have a power, let’s help our children of the world to build a better, kinder, more healed place.