“Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.” Maya A.

About me

Passion. Freedom. Creation. Intimacy.

My mission

Hi, I’m Ruta. I’m passionate about helping my fellow humans to step into their power and embrace the world that you came here to experience.

This work is very close to my heart. In my late 20s, I experienced a life changing crisis. It brought me to this transformational work and changed the course of my life. I was working hard to achieve my dream of becoming secure and to have a stable status and position in my life. Then, I got clinical depression that took me years to overcome.

I wanted to know what was wrong with me, so I started to read about psychology, spirituality and emotional wellbeing. I found that I had a deep interest in the internal workings of the mind. I started a counselling course. Then I completed a post-graduate level certification at the University of Sussex.

I studied in the system and field of traditional psychology. And I’ve started to see gaps and limitations in it. The more I seen it, the more I preferred alternative approaches, tools, and techniques.

By working with people, I saw how at the root of every emotional block or problem, there is an unresolved trauma.

I started to see how we, our parents, and our children have been and are still experiencing trauma. Sometimes by simple everyday interactions with other people. The problem is that none of them (us) were taught how to take care and nurture our emotional selves. Also, to that realisation, I noticed that there is unresolved trauma wherever you look.

And that’s how integrative trauma models and techniques became the basis to all work that I do. That and re-education for emotional wellbeing.

In addition to holding a number of certificates in traditional and alternative disciplines, I am also a member of the Complementary Therapists Accredited Association.        …and then there are heaps and heaps of books and an insatiable thirst for learning, knowing, feeling and experiencing healing.

Driven by passion

The question that I asked myself was, how can I change it?

After spending a lot of time experimenting with tools, techniques, philosophies and methods, I got the answer. It can be very easy summarised with the MJ song “Man in The Mirror”:

” I’m starting with the man in the mirror 

I’m asking him to change his ways 

And no message could have been any clearer 

If you want to make the world a better place 

Take a look at yourself, and then make a change

I’m driven by my passion to create a life where emotional wellbeing is at the centre stage, at the core of everything that we do. My services are designed to guide every person who wants to make a change and learn how to connect with a healthy and empowered state of being. When we do that, we shift each of us and the world.

I believe that we all have something special that we were born here to do. I do, and you do too. Even if some of us haven’t yet figured out what it is. I desire to help you clear the blocks and fill in the gaps that prevent you from connecting with your core self, with your inner power. My vision is help enable you to fully express yourself in this world and do what you set out here to do.

So, that’s a summary of my journey that I wanted to share with you. If you are reading this, it means that you are on a similar path.

I wanted to thank you for allowing me to share my story with you and somewhere across space and time to connect on our mission.

May your inner force be with you.


#therapyhubLink{display:block;background:#eceaf1;padding: 10px;max-width: 290px;margin: 15px 0;}I am a member of West London Therapy Hub